Network analysis and strategic networking for corporate success.

For a company to be successful, its representatives have to be active in the right networks and know exactly who the key players are and what issues they have or represent. Strategic networking is the planned, targeted and systematic development of contacts and relationships. 

In our complex modern world, corporate or personal relational capital is an increasingly important success factor. Our social network analysis helps you to visualise and systematically establish and expand your strategic networks. 

A strategic network is a core asset – particularly for your sales force. Access to key customers can be systematically planned and achieved by analysing a network for relevant knowledge of a customer system. The results help you to steer clear of closed doors and avoid unproductive customer acquisition efforts.

Netzwelten - Strategisches Netzwerken im Business; Eine Spielanleitung aus der Praxis by Imma Baumgartner, Christof Zernatto and Thomas Friedschröder; Facultas Universitätsverlag 2008. ISBN-13: 978-3708902548. EUR 19,30

Netzwelten - Strategisches Netzwerken im Business

Eine Spielanleitung aus der Praxis

Baumgartner / Friedschröder / Zernatto