public affairs agency is backed by an international network of dedicated experts and partners.
I work with experts from the worlds of politics, business and science on a daily basis. My international partner network enables me to offer my clients a complete portfolio of public affairs and public affairs products and guarantee highest level expertise.
The following leading experts are public affairs agency partners:
Philadelphia Management, Human Resources Expert

Erich Cibulka is a management consultant and business psychologist. A former Member of the Management Board of T-Mobile Austria and Group Human Resources Director at Bank Austria, Erich is now a Managing Partner at Philadelphia Management GmbH.
Philadelphia Management GmbH specialises in strategic consulting for change processes and development of management skills and company culture. Philadelphia Management is a regional partner of Human Synergistics, a leading international organisational development company.
Franz Fischler Consult, EU Commissioner (ret.)

Franz Fischler was EU Commissioner for Agriculture from 1995 to 2004 and EU Commissioner for Fisheries from 1999 to 2004. His major successes in these roles include the Agenda 2000, the Reform 2003 and the first reform of European fishing policy.
Before assuming his role as EU Commissioner, Franz was Director of the Regional Chamber of Agriculture in Tyrol and Austrian Federal Minister for Agriculture and Forestry from 1989 to 1994. In 2004, he founded Franz Fischler Consult GmbH in Absam, Tyrol. In keeping with his strong focus on personal contact, guidance and learning, his clients benefit from his expertise, experience and know-how at both a national and a European level.
Agency for Public Relations, Public Affairs & Digital Communications

Since 2011, Grayling has been ranked as Austria’s No. 1 consultancy for public relations, public affairs and digital communications. Grayling entered the Austrian market in 2001. Today a team of more than 35 consultants offers professional communications services from our office in Vienna. Worldwide, Grayling employs 800 consultants in 50 offices across 30 countries in Europe, North America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa.
With Public Affairs Grayling is represented in Brussels, Washington, Berlin, Sacramento, San Francisco and Vienna and also has good alliances to Japan as well as a Public Affairs Associate in New York. The Public Affairs Unit in Brussels, lead by Russel Patten, counts about 20 Experts in this Division.
Since 1st of June 2016 Imma Baumgartner is Affiliate Partner of Grayling Austria and Head of International Public Affairs.
event expert, specialised in business events

Susanne Gruber began her professional career with T-Mobile Austria (formerly max.mobil) in 1999. After several years in product and proposition management in the Business Marketing division, she transferred in 2005 to the sponsoring team in the market.communication department, where she assumed responsibility for all business events. Over the course of her career, she has established an impressive business network. She has broad knowledge of internal processes at T-Mobile and extensive contacts to T-Mobile suppliers and partners. From 2009 to 2011, she also managed T-Mobile’s annual contribution to the Economic Symposium at the European Forum Alpbach.
Heller Consult Tax and Business Solutions

Elisabeth Heller is Managing Director of the international tax and management consulting company Heller Consult with offices in Vienna and Dubai. A taxation expert and management consultant, Elisabeth is also an accredited Basel II Consultant and CMC Certified Management Consultant.
Heller Consult offers tax and management consulting services as well as funding and export consulting services with a focus on the emerging markets of Dubai and the Middle East. Elisabeth Heller’s book “Clan Value” was published in 2006 by Econ-Verlag.
Kobza Rudi, Mag. Skias Beatrix
communications expert and business coach
Chairman of the Public Health Institute / Medical University of Vienna

Michael Kunze has been Chairman of the Public Health Institute at the Medical University of Vienna since 1983.
He is a member of the Austrian Health Council (Oberste Sanitätsrat), Chairman of the Austrian Nicotine Institute (Österreichisches Nikotininstitut) and plays an active role in many healthcare platforms such as the Austrian Immunisation Forum (Forum Impfschutz). His research addresses all areas of public health.
Ruggero Davico, Andrea Batazzi

Multirep Services provides business consulting services to SMEs and acts on its clients behalf in their dealings with international trade fair organisers and agencies. Its team of industry experts offers personal support to private companies, export consortiums, associations, interest groups and institutions in the international trade, marketing, international co-operation and tourism sectors.
As owner and operator of Mondul Coffee Estates, Ruggero Davico lived and worked in East Africa for over 30 years.
Andrea Batazzi is Managing Director of Multirep Services, while Ruggero Davico is responsible for trading and business development projects.
Pappas & Associates, Attorney in Brussels and Athens

Professor Spyros A. Pappas is a lawyer and political scientist, a former Judge in the Greek Supreme Administrative Court and the first Secretary General of the Greek Centre for Public Administration. In 2005, he founded the law firm Pappas & Partner in Brussels. Styros specializes in EU legal and political affairs and is a member of the Bar Associations in Athens and Brussels.
From 1989 to 1995, Styros served as Director General and Professor at the European Institute for Public Administration in Maastricht. From 1995 to 2001, he was Director General of the European Commission, responsible for setting up the Directorate General for Consumer Policy. He subsequently headed the Directorate General for Information, Communication, Culture and Audiovisual Policy, which he restructured into the Directorate General for Education and Culture.
Ambassador of the Republic of Austria (ret.)

Manfred Scheich was Austria’s Permanent Representative to the EU in Brussels, Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to Algeria and chief negotiator during Austria’s EU accession talks and Agenda 2000.
He is Senior Adviser to the Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy and a member of the "European Ideas Network".
office: +43-1-370 00 10-17
mobile: +43-676-3456209
Hier finden Sie die Public Affairs Agency:
public affairs agency
A-1060 Wien, Gumpendorferstraße 56
Die Public Affairs Agency ist Teil der Officecommunity G6 in der Gumpendorferstraße 56 im 6. Wiener Gemeindebezirk.
Die nächstgelegenen Parkgaragen sind die Gerngross Garage in der Kirchengasse sowie die Garage in der Windmühlgasse.