Using effective dialogue to position your own issues and interests.
Are you looking to raise your company’s visibility, optimise your PR activities or intensify your contacts to your customers through events?
Are you aiming at successfully develop your relations with politics, the authorities, non-governmental organisations and business – and need a professional partner to help you do so?
Then you’ve come to the right place! As communications specialist and with my extensive experience of business, politics and the authorities, I can offer you the support you need – at national and international level, with top calibre partners and a focus on the essential. Why not profit from our strengths and expertise?
Imma Baumgartner
Public Affairs Agency
office: +43-1-370 00 10-17
mobile: +43-676-3456209
Hier finden Sie die Public Affairs Agency:
public affairs agency
A-1060 Wien, Gumpendorferstraße 56
Die Public Affairs Agency ist Teil der Officecommunity G6 in der Gumpendorferstraße 56 im 6. Wiener Gemeindebezirk.
Die nächstgelegenen Parkgaragen sind die Gerngross Garage in der Kirchengasse sowie die Garage in der Windmühlgasse.